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Find Opportunities > Need Distributor > Manufacturing > Manufacture of textiles > Manufacture of other textiles

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Need Distributor Manufacture of other textilesRequired distributor agent,m from in...Our company required a distributor agent in foreign country, I am from INDIA and here i am looking for an agent who...Distributor Needed Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.Nanoblo NanocoatingsWe search for distributors to sell our nanocoating products to manufacturers of any kind of product that has textile...Need Distributor Manufacture of other textilesDistributors and sales agents to sell Table Linens...We are manufacturer of restaurant table linens. Designed and developed in the USA with a great brand we can supply...Distributor Needed Manufacture of other textilesDistributorDistributors of special product technology being sought. This technology has a broad spectrum of application from...Need Distributor Manufacture of other textilesTextile sales opportunityLooking for a distributor with an existing sales organization to call on textile manufacturing companies focusing...More


Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabricsManufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparelManufacture of carpets and rugsManufacture of cordage, rope, twine and nettingManufacture of other textiles n.e.c.