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Find Opportunities > Need Distributor > Manufacturing > Manufacture of textiles

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Distributor Needed Manufacture of other textilesNanoblo NanocoatingsWe search for distributors to sell our nanocoating products to manufacturers of any kind of product that has textile...Need Distributor Manufacture of textilesSalon and Spa Distributors Looking for additional...Looking to add additional revenue with out adding additional inventory. We drop ship,no inventory to carry. Turn key...Distributor Needed Spinning, weaving and finishing of textilesUnique brand for handmade leather accessories...Searching for distributor for my unique brand that do handmade leather accessoriesDistributor Needed Manufacture of textilesFilter SalesLooking for reps/distributors in the water industry for disc filtration line of productsDistributor Needed Spinning, weaving and finishing of textilesSAFE-T-SPORTS MFGWe will decide Handsome commission % on orders.Need Distributor Manufacture of textilesTextile Sales Agent WantedWe are a textil company based in Barcelona looking for multiportfolio sales agents, commission based, to represent...Distributor Needed Manufacture of textilesBAGsWe are looking for supply of all types of bags like travel bags,backpacks for any purpose,equipment bags,packaging...Distributor Needed Manufacture of other textilesDistributorDistributors of special product technology being sought. This technology has a broad spectrum of application from...Need Distributor Manufacture of other textilesTextile sales opportunityLooking for a distributor with an existing sales organization to call on textile manufacturing companies focusing...Distributor Needed Manufacture of textilesAnyone selling products between US CN MXAny business moving LTL (less than truckload) between the US CN MXMore


Spinning, weaving and finishing of textilesManufacture of other textiles