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Find Opportunities > Need Sales Representative > Other service activities > Repair of computers and personal and household goods > Repair of personal and household goods

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Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyRepair of household appliances and home and garden equipmentIf you are calling on industrial/manufacturing...If you are calling on industrial/manufacturing plants with SIC codes 20-39 and/or the Utilities sector, then our...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRepair of other personal and household goodsWe are manufacturer of custom made decorative...We are manufacturer of custom made decorative hardware in bronze and brass we are looking sales rep to get new...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsOur 21-year old company owns the global exclusive...Our 21-year old company owns the global exclusive rights to a new technology...the ONLY place you can easily and...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsSiltech® exclusively manufacturers 100% acrylic...Siltech® exclusively manufacturers 100% acrylic solid surface windowsills, wall caps, shower curb caps, window seats...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsHousewares/Hardware and Maintenance Supply New...Incandescent Light Bulbs 100 watt 75 and 60 watt display with easy remover hand tool.Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsHIGH END QUALITY UNIFORM POLO SHIRT LINE NEEDS...HIGH END QUALITY UNIFORM POLO SHIRT LINE NEEDS QUALIFIED AND MOTIVATED REPS. No Set Industry as this Shirt can be...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsA collapsable insert that slides in and out of...A collapsable insert that slides in and out of paper yard refuse bags. Enables user to single handedly fill paper...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsOur designer has 25 years experience in creating...Our designer has 25 years experience in creating art and design from steel. Projects include Rose Parade floats, a...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsBe the first to represent a company that has been...Be the first to represent a company that has been in business since 1957 with great success! For the first time in...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsNEW INNOVATION-SELLING REALLY WELLAn alternative to Hospital curtains. Recently won the James Dyson award for Healthcare inventions.Supplied to the...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRepair of personal and household goodsEZWare Dishes is a line of Upscale Plastic Disposa...EZWare Dishes is a line of Upscale Plastic Disposable Dinnerware. Elegant with the look of fine china. They are used...More


Repair of consumer electronicsRepair of household appliances and home and garden equipmentRepair of footwear and leather goodsRepair of furniture and home furnishingsRepair of other personal and household goods