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Find Opportunities > Need Sales Representative > Africa > Ethiopia

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Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaSolar SolutionsThis is a great opportunity with good pay for the right personIndependent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaLOOKING FOR SALE AGENTSAs part of our expansion, our investment company operating on an international level, looking for experienced agents...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyEthiopiaSales Agent for Rubber V-beltsWe are looking for sales agent to work on commission bases only for supply of rubber v-belts in Africa and Europe.Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaFilling, labeling, packaging equipment. Filling...Our company is leading european manufacturer of filling, packaging, labeling equipmentManufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaHigh Commission for Sales Representative of Backgr...Whetstone Security Group, Inc. (WSG) pays 20-30% commission rates on sales to new clients. Make $28,000+ selling one...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaSales HeadWe offer the best commission in market for Sales Representative. Products are Screw machine parts, Custom Machining...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyEthiopiaEmbroideried fabrics for ladies garmentLooking for talented, experienced sales rep. with a background of positive business in textile industry and also...More