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Find Opportunities > Sales Force Needed > Public administration and defence; compulsory social security > Public administration and defence; compulsory social security > Provision of services to the community as a whole

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Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyProvision of services to the community as a wholeIndependent Manufacturer's Rep: Recycled Plastic...Looking to sell an innovative, sustainable product, with a fantastic track record? Our structural recycled plastic...Need Sales Force Commission OnlyPublic order and safety activitiesSales reps wanted for unique PPE productTerritories available for new unique PPE product.Need Sales Force Commission OnlyProvision of services to the community as a wholeSales reps for (Military, Firefighters, Sheriff...We are looking for Sales Reps, in US territory, to help us to introduce our new product line in a specific market...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyProvision of services to the community as a wholeManufacturer's rep wanted for premiere line of...We have distributors throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America and want to expand our presence by increasing support...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyForeign affairsSales Rep required for sale of 'Ballistic Protecti...We are a Foreign company looking to expand business operations within the US. We manufacture Ballistic Protection...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyProvision of services to the community as a wholeSearching for reps with existing customer base.The latest technology for remote inspection, damage assessment, search and rescue.Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyDefence activitiesOil & Gas sales repSales representative to sell exclusive safety training DVDs featuring world renowned Professor Andrew Hopkins.More


Foreign affairsDefence activitiesPublic order and safety activities