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Find Opportunities > Need Sales Agency > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail sale via stalls and markets

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Need Sales Representative Base SalaryRetail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwearCallagHan (Espagne) et Raqul perez(Espagne).......SALES AGENTNeed Sales Agency Draw On CommissionRetail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwearLooking for someone to help build my internet...Just looking for someone to produce me maybe 5-7 sign up and salesIndependent Sales Rep Needed Base SalaryRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsLooking for sales rep for FootwearManufacturer of Men formal and semi formal footwear for everyday wearNeed Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsCigarette Sales RepsNew cigarette manufacture looking for sales reps to promote our new brandsSales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsSales Rep Used ClothesWe are a USA based Company looking for reputable sales Representatives for the sales of quality used clothes. Unlim...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsHand Made African Beaded SandalsOpportunity to sell a one of a kind product that has enormous market potentialSales Representative Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsOutdoors Apparel Sales Reps WantedWe are looking for sales reps US-wide. Great product leading to great commissions..Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwearBrazilian clothing button factory looking for a USA...Most tradictional Brazilian clothing button factory looking for a local sales repres.Need Sales Force Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsSeeking a furniture repWe are the premier Pacific Northwest leader of Live Edge Furniture, the fastest growing segment within the furniture...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco productsIndependent sales agents - gourmet foodGrowing nut grower and gourmet food manufacturer based in Melbourne. Looking for sales and marketing support to...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco productsSalon Products Representative Wanted to Sell to...4 hair products including a detangling spray, styling paste, hair gel and smoothing serum. Everything is paraben and...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsT-Shirts DesignWe offer 10%-15% commission, samples are available. Our T-Shirts are very demanding all of over the country. Our...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsReps for Recycled Clothing LineUnique, handmade, sustainable skirts and accessories created by re-purposing remnant clothing.Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsOMALI faucetHigh end faucet line. Very good quality at a very low price. Impossible to beat our quality,warrant and support with...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsHawaii Sales Rep For Maui BrandWe are seeking a Hawaii Islands Sales Rep for exclusive scarves and pareos from our Brand. Currently huge local...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and marketsLooking for Sales Rep to Target Country Club Golf...Looking for a Independent Outside Sales Rep with contacts and relationships with Golf Pro-Shops nationwide and...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco productsMens Grooming ProductsMen's Grooming Product focusing on shaving. Economical, natural and quality focused.Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsOrganic Natural Environmentally Friendly Home...Organic, natural and eco-friendly home fragrances including 100% organic soy wax candles in a variety of containers...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goodsTextile Independent Sales RepWe are the manufacture of Home textile in China and branch office in Los Angeles, mainly manufacture comforter with...More


Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco productsRetail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwearRetail sale via stalls and markets of other goods