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Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyOther personal service activitiesOrganization Development Certificate Program (ODCP)...The Organization Development Certification Program (ODCP) is an online certification program designed to help parti...Manufacturers Representative Needed Base SalaryOther personal service activitiesSales Representative for Decorated ApparelSales of decorative apparel such as Jackets with company logos tee shirts or sweatshirts for any event signs of any...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyWashing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur productsAttn: Telesales Superstar - Patented SaaS, Hot...$100k+ Potential - 100% Uncapped - Longtime Proven Script/Process - Reputable Company - Patented Technology - Clien...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyOther personal service activitiesSales Associates wanted for the Beauty IndustryA Young, hip company is looking for people that are upbeat, focused, and can sellSales Rep Needed Commission OnlyFuneral and related activitiesSkin Care CosmeticsWe are manufacturer and exporter of herbal extract based surely effective skin caring cosmetics, toiletries, Herbal...Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyOther personal service activitiesIndependent Sales Representative for Anti-Aging...GREAT opportunity for the established independent, skincare / health / beauty, sales professional seeking a new line...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyFuneral and related activitiesBeauty Sales Reps NeededModelCall dot com Beautiful Beauty Reps needed for 100% Natural Hair Care products which were designed for hair...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyHairdressing and other beauty treatmentMarketing directorGreat product in ENERGY SAVING LIGHTING SYSTEM, risk free for buyers/owners, no capital investment is required. talk...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyWashing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur productsSkincare Sales Reps requiredLooking for sales reps to sell new skincare product range. Uncapped commission. As many territories as desired as...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyOther personal service activitiesSales Reps needed for Celebrity Skincare CompanyRepresenting celebrity skincare line to retail /wholesale accountsIndependent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther personal service activitiesRock'n Hair CareUnlimited earning potential. immediate commissions paid. rock'n cool company, cool logo and graphicsMore


Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur productsHairdressing and other beauty treatmentFuneral and related activitiesOther personal service activities n.e.c.