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Manufacturers Representative Needed Draw On CommissionRestaurants and mobile food service activities戶外銷售代表香港第一個“外賣自取”平台,用戶可以以折扣價格購買食品,而餐廳則可以開闢新的收入來源並獲得免費的推銷。 對於有競爭力和野心的人來說,這是一個大好的兼職機會。 角色: 作為GogoEat的戶外銷售主管,您將確定香港中心商業區(中環...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesBebusiness White LabelThe bebusiness White Label is an amazing new way for restaurants to get their own branded app through which custome...Need Sales Agency Draw On CommissionRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesLooking for someone to help build my internet...Just looking for someone to produce me maybe 5-7 sign up and salesSales Force Needed Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesOutside Sales Rep. Monthly Residual Commission plus...Sales Opportunity: * Innovative product that helps sales agent sell easier * Sales agent gets monthly residual...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesPrinting Company serving FranchisesExperienced in selling products and/or services to franchises? Let's talk!Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesRefer us to restaurants, get 1% of all their sales...We've just launched our mobile food-review application that turns restaurant customers into advertisers and drives...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesRestaurant Delivery Agreement Sales RepJoin our growing team. We need a professional sales team member to contact restaurants and acquire an agreement to...Manufacturers Representative Needed Draw On CommissionRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesSales Executive with Experience selling to commerc...Sales Executive with experience selling to commercial kitchen, we provide Preventative Maintenance Service to the...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesFind independent sales RepFinding sales repSales Rep Needed Commission OnlyRestaurants and mobile food service activitiesReferral Marketing AgentLeverage your rolodex to earn ongoing residual income.More