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Find Opportunities > Manufacturers Representative Needed > Mining and quarrying > Mining support service activities > Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction

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Manufacturers Representative Needed Draw On CommissionSupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionWellhead Compression to increase oil productionCompressors increase the production of a well ours are the most and easiest to use and maintain.Need Sales Force Commission OnlySupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionHazardous Location Heatinbg Products for Energy and...TBDSales Rep Needed Commission OnlySupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionIndustrial Coating Services & Stair Safety Product...Contracting Services in California specifically: Protective coating applications and restoration services in indust...Sales Force Needed Draw On CommissionSupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionSALES REP /FERROUS AND NON FERROUS METAL PRODUCTS...SALES REP REQUIRED EXPERIENCED IN SELLING FERROUS & NON FERROUS METAL PRODUCTS TO OIL&GAS, AEROSPACE, PHARMA, NUCLE...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlySupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionOil and Gas Floating CoversNew Product developed in Canada and used in several thousand sites globally.Need Sales Representative Commission OnlySupport activities for petroleum and natural gas extractionSpecialty Oil Refinery Additive - Powerful, Non-Me...We invite you to be part of this new & exciting opportunity to sell the "R2M" Gasoline additive that is highly more...More