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Find Opportunities > Independent Sales Rep Needed > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores > Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized stores

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Need Sales Force Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesBottleBandCIRRUS offers a full line of fitness and lifestyle products. Our lead retail opportunity is a patented device...Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesSOUVINART IMAGE CENTER KIOSKNew to market, the Souvinart Image Center kiosk is a touch screen kiosk loaded with an image library of fine art...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesUnique candle product for gift or souvenir shops...Are you a star gift shop sales rep? Unique candle product that draws attention. Many nautical designs in sizes up to...Need Sales Force Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesManuscript Journals - established & popular statio...Established and influencing brand of journals and stationery wishes to expand with sales reps. Already sold in 15+...Manufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesEarn 20% + 100%Sell lithographic prints of art works to members of the public and businesses. Earn 20% ($16) immediately and and a...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesGift Sales Reps WantedUnlimited potential for individuals who are hungry for success to make big $! + Get fresh leads every day! + Current...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesRep for various Regional Tourist Areas for unique...We have very nice and classic card lines in tourist areas, they are not your usual postcards. These cards are "uniq...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesConvenient Cigarette Cutter and Lighter Holder...BIG PROFITS! Commission or direct buy. Direct buy: Retail $8.95 wholesale $4.20 POTENTIAL $8.95-$4.20=$4.75 PROFIT/...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesPopinjay maxifileWe have product called the Popinjay MaxiFile. It is a Home or Office flat pack filing/storage system for books...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyRetail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized storesUnstoppable Book Sales Representative - Opportunit...Looking for a natural born SELLERS. Sellers who can sell anything and is willing to seek out market and will contin...More