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Find Opportunities > Independent Sales Rep Needed > Manufacturing > Manufacture of basic metals > Casting of metals > Casting of non-ferrous metals

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Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsLooking for Manufacturing Services Reps...Medit International - Global Sourcing Partner is looking for business expansion to USA and Canada. We are looking...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsSEARCHING REPS FOR CUSTOMIZED REFRACTORY ITEMS AND...We are searching for developing our markets for our customized refractories and technical ceramics.Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsSales AgentsAggressive Sales Agents across India.Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsINDEPENDENT SALES COMMISSION FOR LONG FLAT STEEL...We are looking for sales representatives/ Commission agents who can work with us on consignment basis. The main...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsFoundry Feeding Aids, Oxygen Lance pipe, burning...We are seeking Foundry Sales Engineers that have a strong back ground in gating and risering for ductile iron and...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsSales Rep / PartnerWe are a Hong Kong company and have been providing metal parts to electronics manufacturers from U.S., Germany and...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyCasting of non-ferrous metalsSALES REPS WANTED (RELATED TO MACHINED PARTS...WE ARE LOOKING FOR SALES REPS WHO CAN FIND US PROJECTS/ BUSINESS RELATED TO MACHINED PARTS, CASTINGS, FORGED PARTS.More