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Find Opportunities > Need Distributor > Manufacturing > Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products > Manufacture of consumer electronics

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Need Distributor Manufacture of consumer electronicsSmart home Hub and range of smart products. Amazon...Xunison Ltd is a software and manufacture company that deals directly with China selling our goods to wholesalers...Distributor Needed Manufacture of consumer electronicsSales rep / Agency for electronic manufacturerElectrical switch manufacturer with over 40+years experience.Distributor Needed Manufacture of consumer electronicsWholesale ADSL2+ Modems / RoutersWholesale ADSL2+ Modems / Routers to Telecommunications, Aggregators, ISPs and computer shops.Distributor Needed Manufacture of consumer electronicsMiLi Smart Product, Apple Authorized Brand, looking...( in 2003,has become Apple authorized manufacturer in 2008,and is currently promoting a series...Need Distributor Manufacture of consumer electronicsPositive* Can – Do attitudeFocus on results based Sales, and Personnel Management. Strong competency in evaluating sales processes for continu...More