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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores > Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores

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ScottIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moWe represent automotive and aftermarket accessory manufactures in the Pacific Northwest. Our staff has over 20 years...MichaelSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...I have a history of consistently, braking Sales records and Customer Satisfaction as well as Territory Management...PatrickSales Force Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moProfessional Outside Sales Rep in northern CaliforniaGregSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moSmall business owner, low voltage commercial electrical systems and equipment, manufacturers rep for commercial and...More