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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Transportation and storage > Postal and courier activities

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GeorgeSales Representative Commission OnlyTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...I am a Canadian born Greek Resident with years of experience in sales to businesses and government.PhilipManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...Select city enterprises limited. We are a registered marketing agency cum consultancy firm based in Nigeria. We are...Gary EManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moHello, my name is Gary E Hines Jr, I'm a sales Rep, my job is to bring product to people, to use are to buy, I'm...SaadManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am an Independent Sales Representative. I don't have experience but I know how to sell.AlrickSales Representative Commission OnlyTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am a excellent negotiator with 20 years sales experience. I have worked in a variety of industries, such as adver...AndreSales Force Draw On CommissionTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...Ispeak 3 langues frnch English and italien.I do a lot of cold calling.Which result in new customer sales.SyamSales Rep Commission OnlyTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...I am well educated i like to work in any kind of situation, i have apassion to workWahidSales Representative Draw On CommissionTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...ENGINEER, Project manager with 10 years experience in pharma inndustry and F&b (milk and juice), I was agent for a...AliManufacturers Representative Base SalaryTransportation and storage - Postal and courier activities -...I present manufacturers and and do marketing for services or products to increase sales activities in a B2B or B2c...More


Postal activitiesCourier activities