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JIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - United States - MichiganWhile discovering new treasures, it is easy to overlook the experience. Our candles and tarts radiate vivid scents...JohnSales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - MichiganExperienced motivated Sales Professional looking to add the right product line(s) to my target customers.RobertManufacturers Representative Base SalaryNorth America - United States - MichiganSuccessful business development specialist seeks to in bark on a new challenge. I have been a recruiter and business...SheilaIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - MichiganSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am now an agent and selling Medical and Dental Plans at great prices for you and your family. We are also looking...KathyManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - MichiganSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moLiteracy and math consultant helping K-12 schools find curriculum and intervention solutionsFrankIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - United States - MichiganExperienced sales professional with accomplished career track record of delivering and sustaining revenue and profit...TimSales Force Draw On CommissionNorth America - United States - MichiganGolf rep 15 yearsKristyIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - MichiganSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moBe your own boss! Are you passionate about safety and empowering women? Then we want YOU representing Damsel in...SteveManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionNorth America - United States - MichiganSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI am a sales professional, looking for opportunities.KellyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - United States - MichiganExtensive background in technical sales of highly engineered metal products.More