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PeterSales Representative Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckySelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moIndependent Sales RepresentativeBrentSales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckyI have over 35 years in the Public Safety market with 16 of those in the private sector. I have led large dynamic...SierraIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckyLooking for a great opportunityR. G.Sales Agency Base SalaryNorth America - United States - KentuckySelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moA professional who still believes in face to face contact with the customer thru the procedures and the dialogue of...BruceManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckyWe are an aggressive and growing rep firm in the MidwestMacSales Rep Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckySelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moProfessional and big picture driven.JeffSales Force Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckySelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moSales executive with 30+ years experience in the building materials industry. Contacts include architects, interior...DulcieSales Force Base SalaryNorth America - United States - Kentucky25 year professional in consumer package good, beauty and food. I am based in So Cal but open to remote or possibleMarkIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryNorth America - United States - KentuckySelling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moI have been setting up, training and working with industrial distributors to sell the products I carry for over 25...DanielSales Agency Commission OnlyNorth America - United States - KentuckyWe service and sell 800 customers women’s boutiques, gift and souvenir stores outdoor retailers, state and national...More