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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Manufacturing > Manufacture of wearing apparel > Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel

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CheramIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Charlie: A recent graduate with a Bachelor's in fashion marketing and management. A young professional hungry for...AkaneSales Force Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...3 yeas of international sales experience in kitchen wear and 3 years of sales experience in golf industries. Famili...CalvinceSales Force Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Im aggressive,hardworking,and compassionate with diploma in sales and marketing.Mr UcheSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moWe are a logistic consultants firm in West Africa.Our goals in services for international recog...KaySales Representative Draw On CommissionManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...I am actually looking for a Sales Rep position in MinnesotaRonSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moSignificant experience in the development, cultivation and growth of sales territories throughout the Midwest within...IvaSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Sales repDaisyIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Look for sales repMariaSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...Responsable, self-motivated, sales representative with good comunicational skills in spanish and english.RossSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of wearing apparel - Manufacture...SEASONED REPMore