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MehdiSales Rep Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesI am interested in this offer and i want to work from home to make your salesGianniSales Force Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesSelf made man a lot of experience and good contacts in textile industry over ItalyJasonSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesActively looking for industrial products to sell to OEM, distribution and end usersSorenSales Representative Draw On CommissionManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesSelling Australian WinePedroSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesFounded in 2013 with the objective of providing differentiated services in the selling of industrial products.  In...BretIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesI have over eight years in retail sales and operations including convenience store and food service. Previously I...KyleSales Force Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesOwner of rep group over 20 yearsJerrySales Agency Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesI am a young ambitous small business owner. I am looking for new opportunities. I am very hard working and ready to...GregorySales Force Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesHighlander Machinery Corporation is distinguishing itself as an organization which provides high value solutions and...EdwardSales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of beveragesSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI have worked in the metal etching and printing industry my entire life. I was alo a member of the Massachusetts...More