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MayowaManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moWe are a registered company in Nigeria with specialty in Representation and Distribution, Sales Representative/Agen...RodolfoIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...18 years of experience in regional sales (Caribbean, Central America, South America), working for companies like...SandySales Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moExperience is sales with possiable contact in the new York, New Jersey area.GlenSales Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moDynamic results- driven sales professional with a track record of top performance. Persuasive presentations and...TrevorSales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Highly experienced sales executive/entreprenuer with over 15 years experience of producing high levels of results....GregSales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...A professional hunter with over 14 years of sales experience. Accustomed to bringing in new business in short and...GeneSales Representative Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Sales and sales manager with 15+ years experience. Territory includes North carolina ans surrounding states. Experi...DominickSales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Aggressively professional Sales professional with 15 years of Telecommunications software sales, within the 50...SonnyIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am very serious and very motivated. I am currently greedy for money.PaulIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyInformation and communication - Publishing activities -...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moPaul Patrick is an accomplished Business development and Sales leader with twenty five years in highly competitive...More