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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Accommodation and food service activities > Food and beverage service activities > Event catering and other food service activities

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RuiSales Force Base SalaryAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...I am a Hotelier with a passion for Sales AreaJoeManufacturers Representative Base SalaryAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moNaRodrigoSales Representative Commission OnlyAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI owner of k-advantage, a sales oriented company opened this year. We work with independent sales representatives...ShondaSales Rep Commission OnlyAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moDirect Marketing and Sales Support I have over seven years of independent sales experience marketing sundry items...EmmanuelSales Agency Commission OnlyAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Am a person of quality and i attract people of qualityNabilSales Rep Base SalaryAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...MY name is NABIL HABAYEB I am a us citizen originally from the middle east I speak read and write Arabic fluently I...SamManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moMy name is Sam, mlooking forward to new adventuresA.t. (Andy)Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moWe have offices throughout the USA and the sales people in those offices sell General Merchandise and Health and...GabeManufacturers Representative Base SalaryAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moIf something is worth doing, then it should always be worth over doing or simply don't do it at all! I believe that...ZoeySales Force Draw On CommissionAccommodation and food service activities - Food and beverage...Selling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moHi, I am 19 years independent sales personnel and i enjoyed canvassing product for buyer. ThanksMore


Event cateringOther food service activities