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Find Companies > Sales Rep > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores > Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores

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BonnieSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moAggressively professional Sales Professional with 2 years experience in direct sales of home products. Looking to...TamiSales Force Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moMotivated creative Sales profession with 10 years of option sales experience in the high end residential design...CarolannSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Having over 15 years of experience demonstrating strong closing, negotiation, leadership, professionalism, client...ZacharySales Force Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moSeeking a challenging position in project management specialized sales and contract administration within a progres...RonSales Force Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...I am making a career change from manufacturing to sales. I am calling on sports and outdoor equipment stores around...PaulSales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moNational Sales CanadaRobSales Force Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moExceptional record of maximizing revenues from existing and new customers. Creative thinker, originator of revenue...Jose LuisManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moCOMPANY ESTABLISH IN 1979 IN PANAMA, GREAT REPUTATION IN THE COUNTRY. MY COMPANY IS FOUNDED IN 1979. THE CENTRAL...ParvathiSales Agency Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moNine years of experience leading international sales organizations and multinational teams to exceed revenue and...QuintSales Agency Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Aggressive professional Sales consultant with over 17 years experience in the gift, toy , licensed sports , giftware...More