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Find Companies > Sales Rep > Administrative and support service activities > Office administrative, office support and other business support activities > Organization of conventions and trade shows

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WilliamIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moVery motivated, independent, self-starter Involved in the production and B2B sales of metal products. Also experien...HeatherSales Representative Base SalaryAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...I grew up in the travel industry, worked within it for many years. Then Canada's largest Live Production Company...NimeetSales Rep Commission OnlyAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...My work experience in Sales & Marketing has given me the ability of adapting to different environments as well as...AnnIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...Good day. My diverse sales successess come from an entrepreneurial mindset that's FC constantly seeking how to solve...HeidiSales Representative Draw On CommissionAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...Selling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moExperienced professionalShondaSales Rep Commission OnlyAdministrative and support service activities - Office admin...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moDirect Marketing and Sales Support I have over seven years of independent sales experience marketing sundry items...More