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Find Companies > Sales Agency > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Other specialized wholesale

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GregIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moOur company has reps with more then 40 years of sakes within many industries. We currently have contracts in the Ag...TracyManufacturers Representative Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moSales professional with 10+ years of sales experience, primarily in the construction industry selling to the end...DawneSales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Sophisticated, assertive, well educated sales professional who knows how to deliver results. Enjoys the entire...TimSales Rep Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Aggressive Sales professional with 15 years of experience in various products, including construction, mining, and...NoahSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Aggressive sales pro looking to build a manufacturere's rep business. 10+ yrs of executive level sales management...BobSales Force Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moWithin 100 miles of Gillette, Wy. I call on over 40 oil and gas pruducers and 15 open pit coal mines, plus all the...JamesSales Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Aggressive sales professional with 10 years of business to business sales experience, including heavy experience...DavidSales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moOur company offers full commercialization services, or we can fill the gaps that may exist within your own organiza...ScottIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...With over 10 years experience managing textile showrooms, I've decided to form a rep group catering to Interior...NathanManufacturers Representative Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Young and ambitious sales professional with 4 years experience in sales, including retail and outside sales. Spent...LuigiSales Force Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moProfessional sales agent with over 20 years experience in the Northwest United States. My customer base consists of...RickIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moIndustrial Sales to Oil &Gas, Refining, Power, Perochemical, Chemical, Pulp and Paper. 30 Years experience Avanced...SheldonManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Experienced sales professional specializing in the sale of high quality building materials and products. Seeking...More


Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related productsWholesale of metals and metal oresWholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and suppliesWholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.