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NathanSales Force Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moLeading Sales organization to aggressive growth in the competitive health care industry. Strong Management and...RochelleSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Seeking outside sales position willing to travel. Ten plus years experience as professional medical electrolysis....SandraIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Please consider my qualifications for your Independant Sales employm...VonettaSales Agency Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moEvent Planner extrodiare, Decorator, small business consultant. positioned with communites and professional networks...JimSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI have over 15 years of successful professional sales experience in various industries, (medical/surgical, safety...DennisManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moPEOPLE PERSON....I ASK QUESTIONS TO FIND OUT HOW I CAN HELP MY CLIENT. I LOVE WHAT I DO IN THIS FIELD.....24/7StephanieManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAggressively professional Sales professional with 5 years of sales experience selling credit card processing to...WesSales Force Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moExperienced rep looking for opportunitiesMarkSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moSales and marketing organization calling on wide base of retail and commercial accounts. Offering products and...RamiroSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moAggresively Sales Professional with 15 years of experience on several industries, looking for products or services...More