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MelanyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryArts, entertainment and recreation - Libraries, archives...Very interested in the opportunity offered. I have over ten years of solid, successful professional sales experienc...LindaIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI am an independent giftware sales rep with over 13 years of experience, both as an independent rep and a company...RichardSales Representative Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Gambling and betting...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI have been through all types of sales, started in used car sales, moved to new car sales....but hungry for more....JamesSales Rep Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Creative, arts and...Professional SalesmanMurtazaSales Representative Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Creative, arts and...I am a highly motivated individual looking forward to sell both goods and services. With a unique and personalized...ReeceManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Gambling and betting...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moSales agency with over 15 years experience selling to all types of retail markets. Looking for new and exciting...SusanSales Rep Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moWith over 15 years in the wholesale to retail , gift and decorative accessory industry, my specific experience...TomManufacturers Representative Base SalaryArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...HelloMikeSales Force Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...HunterHectorSales Representative Draw On CommissionArts, entertainment and recreation - Creative, arts and...I AM BILINGUAL, WITH 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN DIRECT SELLS...I MOST RECENTLY OWNED & OPERATED A CONVENIENCE STORE...GraceSales Representative Base SalaryArts, entertainment and recreation - Libraries, archives...Am distributor of Avon cosmetics and i want to include shoes in my business.AminSales Rep Base SalaryArts, entertainment and recreation - Creative, arts and...Amin safariMichaelSales Rep Base SalaryArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...Sold with AVON and Betterware for a while of 8 things with Betterware had no returns nor refunds and do my own...AllanSales Agency Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Creative, arts and...Experience sales team looking for product in the pharmacy, motorcycle, gift and decor, tradesWilliamSales Representative Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...25 plus years of selling domestically and internationally.ScottSales Rep Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Gambling and betting...My company specialises in sourcing products for export from UK the buyer informs us of their requirements and we put...PaulSales Agency Commission OnlyArts, entertainment and recreation - Sports activities and...Professional sales representative and former sales trainerMore


Creative, arts and entertainment activitiesLibraries, archives, museums and other cultural activitiesGambling and betting activitiesSports activities and amusement and recreation activities