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ClayIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesNAJose MiguelSales Force Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSale EngenierFrankSales Agency Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesMy name is Frank Asare Nyadu. I am a Ghanaian, I am 33 years old. I have aquired much experience in sales agency.OsonduSales Agency Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI am friendly, respectful, honest and with good heart.PaulSales Representative Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesIndependent Sales Reps (Sign-on Bonus $5000.00)for All New Sales Reps (Full-time Sales Reps.)NachiketSales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI try and connect points.Mohammed SalahIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesEntrepreneur, Freelancer,Business Consultant, SalesRep.PedroSales Force Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moSales representativeMugurSales Agency Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI want to work in a professional, dynamic environment that will allow me to use my accumulated knowledge. I consider...KlausIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesHigh Selling potential in central Africa AreaMore