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ImranSales Representative Draw On CommissionActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesHard workingMosesSales Representative Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI possessed a high persuasive & negotiations skills.GuilhermeSales Agency Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies Solid career developed in national and multinational companies such as Odebrecht (Petrochemicals), Coopers &...ArseneSales Force Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSeeking any opportunities to represent in Africa, specifically in South Africa and DRCMbotijiManufacturers Representative Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI'm an easygoing person ,who gets along with most people as well as doing my job.SerarSales Force Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moA proven Sales Representative who has a positive attitude and the ability to excel under pressure. Othmane is always...NimeetSales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesMy work experience in Sales & Marketing has given me the ability of adapting to different environments as well as...DonatusManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moDonatus is my name. I am the MD of Nafric Intertrade Limited. NafricTrade is a company with required experience in...MiladSales Representative Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSell ​​your products in Tehran, very energetically motivatedTenegIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesHi I'm am have what it takes to be a good representative for any company or products in sphere of influence.More