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JohnSales Force Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesProfessional sales person looking to offer a product or service within the tech space but open to other industries...ScottSales Representative Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesA sales professional with 17 years experience.FenciaSales Agency Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesI'm Franklin Nwakuna, the CEO of FENCIA INT LTD. Dynamic and results driven sales professional with nearly Ten years...DillonManufacturers Representative Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesYoung dinamic hard worker can open my mouth and neat on personal higeneArresIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesWE ARE 4 SISTERS FROM ALGRIA WE HAve all highly university diplom in Micro-biology,English,Press and advert and...NickSales Force Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesLooking for a no nonsense sales opportunity. Get back to sell and get paidOlumuyiwaManufacturers Representative Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am a dynamic person who believes that every challenge has its solution and sacrifices. To this end I intend harne...JosuaSales Force Base SalaryActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesTrustworthy person. Believe in company policies. Don't mind helping others. I am a quick learner. Helped building a...HSales Agency Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesDedicated and seasoned salesman, looking for a quality product or service to sell.JosphineSales Force Commission OnlyActivities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiesAm a self driven personMore