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AnthonySales Force Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI've been in the military defense manufacturing industry for about 10 years now. I am a veteran of the US military...DanielliSales Agency Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaINDEPENDENT SALES REPRESENTATIVEAngelaSales Force Base SalarySouth America - GuyanaSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am an Independent sales agent representing South America and Caribbean region. My country is about to start explo...BernardoSales Agency Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaExperienced sales professional, independent, Brazilian citizenFabianIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - Guyana!!WayneIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaManaging a export focused steel manufacturing plant in Paramaribo Suriname. Maintaining a solid network of companies...TeresaSales Force Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaHello, my name is Teresa.JamesSales Representative Commission OnlySouth America - GuyanaARC is a Rep Agency that backs or client via strong relationships as we also support our brand with strategic marke...More