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SerdarSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...I'm familiar almost in all economical sectors of Turkmenistan.RmlIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Sales Entrepreneur, Consummate Networker, Negotiator, CloserTonyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Activiti...I have the ability to analyze the market, Besides, I was living in Vietnam. I would like to represent foreign compa...MacSales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moProfessional and big picture driven.PeterIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...Hi, I have over 15 years experience in Sales, Marketing and New Business Development. If you are looking for an...JasonSales Agency Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moRainmaker!VanceSales Representative Draw On CommissionProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Scientif...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI have over 30 years of sales, and helping you company to grow. Contract me Now!MikeSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI have owned my own business or have been an independent contractor for the last 20+ years. I am looking for a good...JpSales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...Polished executive with broad background including technology, software, manufacturing, building, construction...ChrisSales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Legal and...As a multi channel sales and marketing representative with more than 20 years experience selling a wide variety of...StewartIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Advertis...Bilingual sales representative focusing on Southern Cone and South American region.AndréSales Rep Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moHello- I am looking for sales professionals to sell our Mobile/Text Marketing Solution. Our customer is any business...DanSales Representative Commission OnlyProfessional, scientific and technical activities - Architec....More


Legal and accounting activitiesActivities of head offices; management consultancy activitiesArchitectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysisScientific research and developmentAdvertising and market researchOther professional, scientific and technical activitiesVeterinary activities