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RSales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresHrlloAlexandrSales Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesI am the founder and director of «Proaled and Co» Co Ltd. Principal activity: import and small-scale wholesale trade...OvieSales Agency Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesI am a manufacturer rep, trade and sourcing agent. I am interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. I am open to...MarceloSales Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moHello There! My objective is understand all important value of your Company and make our market knows about that. I...Hamish-HungSales Force Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresBeen in sales for 5 years, studied different sales methods and skills.ClarkManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresHello, I have over 20 years exp. in sales and distributorship. Searching for ops in PA,DE, MD region. Thank youJackSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moSpecialize in new market development, joint product venture with. 10+ years proven success in prospect driven/high...AnitaSales Force Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining of metal oresHello I enjoy taking care of my customers saving them money on their material handling needs.ZaidIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesSaleZine El AbidineManufacturers Representative Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Mining support service activitiesHey i am an algerian business agent and rep sales, my work consist to find the best for my international custumers...More


Mining of coal and ligniteExtraction of crude petroleum and natural gasMining of metal oresOther mining and quarryingMining support service activities