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Find Companies > Independent Sales Rep > Mining and quarrying > Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas > Extraction of natural gas

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TimothySales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Hello I have been a manufacture rep for over 24 years. The product I sell is currently being used in the Petrochemi...LewisIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Former Baker Hughes Artificial Lift sales rep looking for products to sell to oil and gas companies.JamesIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Over the past 20 years, I have been utilizing marketing expertise gained within business ownership / management. I...PedroSales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI have more than 25 years working for international companies that manufacture and supply equipment and services for...BenIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moHighly motivated, friendly, strong worker, team player. I enjoy cold calls, new clients, new areas. Willing to...MikeManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Veteran sales rep with a wealth of contacts and knowledge of industrial market in TX, LA, OK, AR, MS. Also, have...IsaacManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moA well networked, multi-culturally aware and resourceful sales and marketing professional specialised in business...Ratna RyanSales Representative Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...An experienced Technical Sales Representative, Ryan has handled tender based sales in gas detection systems, water...CesarSales Force Draw On CommissionMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...I´m an engineer working right now, but I want to change the field I´m dedicated, my specialty is Maintenance, relia...MarcSales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Extraction of crude petroleum and...Excellent doors opener and long term relationships developer with large Sales & Marketing as well as Business Devel...More