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KristiSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moHi my name is kristi gjinko and i help business influencers companis close they high ticket services over the phone...HarrietIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...I am Batenga Harriet, aged 30yrs holding a bachelors Degree in Business Administration with a bias in Accounting...B.f.Sales Representative Draw On CommissionHuman health and social work activities - Social work activi...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI want to introduce myself with below advantages. 1-Good command to languages like as English, Turkish, Kurdish...JayIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Social work activi...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moOur company have several new book products and we are looking for outside sales repsBismarkSales Rep Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Residential care...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moBismark in ghana looking expands sales for every industryHuyenSales Rep Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/mo- Restructuring HCMC Newspaper Printing Company, revenue in 2011 is about 110 billion VND, 2012 is about 220 billion...AhmedManufacturers Representative Base SalaryHuman health and social work activities - Residential care...A professional and dedicated sales help will be always ready to work with you.CasmirSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Social work activi...Iam MrBakwuye Casmir. I have masters degree in business administration.lam good in marketing.VictorSales Representative Commission OnlyHuman health and social work activities - Social work activi...PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE/AGENTLeandroIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryHuman health and social work activities - Human health activ...Sales representativeMore


Human health activitiesResidential care activitiesSocial work activities without accommodation