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EpolotSales Rep Draw On CommissionAfrica - Nigeria309RaymondSales Force Base SalaryAfrica - NigeriaA marketer for about three decades now and still counting, Financial services Agent,A lincenced insurance Sales...SamaliSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI AM LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADD VALUES TO COMPANIES WHO ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO EXPAND THEIR BUSINESS IN...PadmoreSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaAm Padmore Bentsil from GhanaEzekielIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - NigeriaI'm Ezekiel Olutola. I'm hardworking, faithful and diligent in my doings. I am an entrepreneur and a writer. I will...MichaelManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moGrow sales and retain customers in the ever-rewarding Nigeria market through the services of MiCh24. Your choicest...MosesSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaI possessed a high persuasive & negotiations skills.EugeneSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - NigeriaSelling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/mo"Nothing is a challenge in life, it is an opportunity. Take the opportunity and manage it, if it is ment to be."...HenkydozSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaHENKYDDOZ GLOBAL LIMITED (RC 1500800) is a manufacturers’ representative independent sales agency, and trading...Joseph S. KomlanSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - NigeriaSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am Joseph K. AGBOBLI, I am Togolese living in Senegal since 2017. I have a MBA from a Canadian School and a Bache...More