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Find Companies > Independent Sales Rep > Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use > Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel

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KenIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...Mature experienced Sales Rep with many years experience introducing new consumer products and services to the Domes...RenaldoIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...I'm Renaldo Sewduth. Tertiary educated with a striving and keen enthusiasm to make anything I touch a success.. As a...SolomonSales Force Base SalaryActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...Successful importer, marketer and distributor of general merchandise.Abdulmuhaimen Subhi AzizManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...I am a sale/manufacturer representative. I have a running company in Iraq/ Baghdad and I am living in Holland and...IesoIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...Excelent seller. Wide networkAmir HoseinIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...In Business of Building Bridges, There are Many Opportunities for whose Want to be on Right Side of TrackBrianSales Force Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moIn Business Since 2009 Sales professionals with more than twenty years of successful experience in building...MarieSales Representative Commission OnlyActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...I sell high endorsement shutters for homeowners. My close rate is between 60 - 70 percent. I am able to quickly...RebeccaIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moSales and Marketing professional with a go get it attitude that has over 5 years experience in sales, marketing....More