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Find Companies > Distributor > Manufacturing > Other manufacturing > Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles

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FabrizioDistributor Manufacturing - Other manufacturing - Manufacture of jewelle...Fashion accessories and jewelry made in Italy and USA, high volume of sales for each customer. Retailers profit...MuradDistributor Manufacturing - Other manufacturing - Manufacture of jewelle...Our company is your best partner for grouth in the Iraqi marketFlorentDistributor Manufacturing - Other manufacturing - Manufacture of jewelle...I am an agent (sales rep) or a buying agency (when i know people)ChiDistributor Manufacturing - Other manufacturing - Manufacture of jewelle...World-wide distributor for a high fashion Italian jewelry and home decor brand.RodrigoDistributor Manufacturing - Other manufacturing - Manufacture of jewelle...Growing high-end Fashion Jewelry and Accessories importer/supplier Izzy Bijoux, The Company Located in North Hollyw...More


Manufacture of jewellery and related articlesManufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles