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JanBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...I am global in experience I have been afforded great opportunities in Oil & Gas, Telco, Healthcare, Aviation, Busin...EdwinBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Will fill this out later. Just checking the site nowRandyBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...I am a business developer for Cloud IT Services in the CT, NY and NJ area for Virtacore. We provide Cloud Based...JohnBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Our success is in our ability to develop a simple and repeatable process, regardless of the sophistication of the...ReneBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Experienced professional - mainly telecom - looking for challengers.JayBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...HGBS is the business development organization for Quorion, a German manufacturer of cash registers and touchscreen...RonnieBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Have always improved my clients bottom line by increasing brand awareness and client base.NemaBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Self motivated entrepreneur with a passion for success.SinuetBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...Great blend of business, tech savvy and big picture vision that influence product deployment and sales based on...SeanBusiness Developer Information and communication - Information service activiti...We are exclusively focused on designing and developing compelling applications.More


Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portalsOther information service activities