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Find Companies > Business Developer > Professional, scientific and technical activities > Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

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MariaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...I’m looking for novelty products for distribution in paraguay.RachidBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...I have a combination of skills and experiences, built during more sixteen years working at different positions...AngelaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...What makes me unique is that I have experience in many different industries and variety of roles. I learn quickly...SrikantBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Cost effective and precisionScottBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...We offer affordable business, design, marketing and technology services, solutions and products to other businesses...BillBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Marketing and Sales Strategy GuruSinuetBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Great blend of business, tech savvy and big picture vision that influence product deployment and sales based on...LuizBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...More than 10 years of experience as sales representative and business developer in Brazil and Latin AmericaMisaBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...Mechanical engineer ready to accompany you, conquers the markets of South East Europe and in particular the territo...MelanieBusiness Developer Professional, scientific and technical activities - Architec...What if I told you that you can live another 200 years. Roweyal shell specialize in the development of life-extensi...More


Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancyTechnical testing and analysis