Hire Sales Reps, Distributors or Find New Manufacturers, Traders Search and contact National and International Profiled Members covering all types of Industries
Sales Reps
Commission Only, Draw on Commission, Salary Based
Whether you need to find Sales Reps or if you are a Sales Representative wanting to add new Lines to your portfolio, GotSales is your answer.How it works for Sales Reps?
Post your profile and expose your skills to other members. If you are looking for new Lines to sell, just browse our opportunity listings and connect with their owners.
If you are looking to connect with other Sales Reps and share your Lines with them you can also do it on our network.
How it works for Manufacturers?
Build your Sales Force with Independent Sales Representatives, Manufacturers Reps, and Sales Agencies.
Some reasons why manufacturers sign up:
- Expanding or adding new territories?
- Exporting to a new country?
- Entering new markets?
- Need to replace a rep?
- Have an under-performing rep holding back your sales?
Distributors Resource
Distributors, Showrooms, Importers, Exporters
Find Distributors, Agents, Importers, Exporters
Or if you are one of them you should sign up on our network today. And access other members. -
Performing Line Opportunities
Find Great Lines to Sell, Broker or Distribute
If you have an opportunity whether a product of service and would like to hire a Sale Professional to help you grow your bottom line this you should sign up right now.
If you are a Sales Professional and want to find that performing Line to sell you are more then welcome to join our network today. -
Manufacturers Network
List Your Company, Connect with Sales Professionals
If you are serious about increasing your bottom line you should join our network. You can test, sell and present your products to the world of sales professionals. Get feedback and tweak your approach if needed. -
Business Developers
Connect with Businesses and grow their business
If you are a Business Developer you should join our network and connect with businesses who are looking for your skills.
If you are a Business in Need of Business Developers this is the right place to find them -
Trade Network
Buy, Sell, National and/or International
If you are a manufacturer and are looking to expand your territories or just sell more this is where it all starts.
If you are a sales professional and Buyer. You can connect with business owners right now and get your trades started.
Join for FREE!