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Sales Rep - Commission Only - United States - FL - Profile #588116

Most buyer and seller mistakes are when using a new agent rather than working with an experienced Broker, do you know that 80% of the buyer’s remorse occurs after closing? Please, call me to be save of your investment. Just ask to yourself why are you working with a new realtor when you have the choice of working with an experienced Real Estate Broker. There is a difference between an agent than a Broker.
Most buyer and seller mistakes are when using a new agent rather than working with an experienced Broker, do you know that 80% of the buyer’s remorse occurs after closing? Please, call me to be save of your investment. Just ask to yourself why are you working with a new realtor when you have the choice of working with an experienced Real Estate Broker. There is a difference between an agent than a Broker.
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Home Finders Realty, LLC.
Gracie *****
Broker Owner Realtor
Will work for
Product | Service
37 years
50,000 - 100,000
Background check