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Need Sales Force Commission OnlyChinaWANTED SALES AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS FOR FOOD...We are looking for Sales Agents and Distributors with experience in food additives and personal care & toothpaste...Need Sales Force Commission OnlyChinaElectronic Devices,Modules, Parts & Components, and...High performance & cost effective electronic & electromechanical devices, modules, parts and components for industr...Independent Sales Rep Needed Draw On CommissionChinaLooking for an Experienced Sales Representative...We are looking to Export product into Asian Market. Salary is commision based on quantity sold.Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyChinaSales Reps for Men's and Women's Apparel BrandLooking for Sales Reps across multiple categories. We are head quartered in New York, and looking for sales represe...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyChinaUltrasonic Water DescalerUltrasonic Water descaler for preventing scale formation in systemsNeed Sales Rep Commission OnlyChinaPremium Consulting ServiceWe invite you to be a part of this Premium Product's Brand Ambassador Team.It has been in the business of Brand and...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyChinaManufactrer's Rep for Tier 1 manufacturer and...Seeking manufacturer's representative accustom to selling to equipment OEMs in the petrochem, Oil & Gas, rotary...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyChinaMixers, Agitators, & Mixing systems for the indust...A privately owned company with 47 years’ experience in producing mixers, agitators, mixing systems and advanced...Manufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyChinaExport french alcoholWe are a french company specialized in export french quality alcohol and we are looking for several sales reps to...Manufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyChinaSales representative video productionWe are currently seeking independent sales reps for our video commercial (advertising) production business.More