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Find Opportunities > Need Sales Representative > Accommodation and food service activities > Accommodation > Other accommodation

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Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyOther accommodationCASEGOODS SALES REPHOSPITALITY CASEGOODS SALES REPRESENTATIVES Align Hospitality Furnishings is an innovative custom furniture manufac...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther accommodationHospitality Sales Opportunities in MalaysiaLooking for experienced Sales Reps in Malaysia to help our Global Technology Company expand into new territories....Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyOther accommodationWine, Coffee, Cigar RepsLooking for Sales Reps for Premium Coffee Looking for Sales Reps for Fine Wines Looking for Sales Reps for CigarsIndependent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther accommodationSales for a Web, Cloud & Mobile app companyGrow immensely with exclusive territory opportunities for a limited time. Work in a Tech company increasing sales &...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyOther accommodationNew WiFi Marketing TechnologyNew technology company needs sales reps. 50% residuals.Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther accommodationNew Brand of Tea/ Business Developer sales repsNew Brand of High end TEaNeed Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyOther accommodationBooking Agent for Magic Pond Guest HouseSell from chair-- generate bookings through online postings and earn $200. per booking (week-long) or 20% for short...Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyOther accommodationOutside Sales Rep. Monthly Residual Commission plus...Sales Opportunity: * Innovative product that helps sales agent sell easier * Sales agent gets monthly residual...Sales Force Needed Commission OnlyOther accommodationBIGGER THAN THE .COM BOOM! Need PROFESSIONAL Sales...We Need 1 Sales agent, you will Work for Us and Tap into something Bigger than the .com BOOM, while working on the...Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyOther accommodationLi L-H PrintsI'm a professional photographer looking to release limited edition collections of my work in large scale prints. The...More