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Need Sales Representative Commission OnlyNigeriaGet paid to help businessesWe sell custom social media management packages to businesses. We save them time, we save them money, increase their...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaScummy sales rep offerWe are producers of of well packaged, stone free world class OFADA Rice located in Lagos Nigeria. We require the...Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaEmbroideried fabrics for ladies garmentLooking for talented, experienced sales rep. with a background of positive business in textile industry and also...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyNigeriaAfrican inspired handbags and pursesDimask is a private African business that owns and operates a worldwide chain of bags, shoe and accessories.Our...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaSales on commission basisSales on commission basis 5% to 10% commission on bill amountIndependent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaLOOKING FOR SALE AGENTSAs part of our expansion, our investment company operating on an international level, looking for experienced agents...Manufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaSales agentsSales AgentsNeed Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyNigeriaSales Agent for Rubber V-beltsWe are looking for sales agent to work on commission bases only for supply of rubber v-belts in Africa and Europe.Sales Representative Needed Commission OnlyNigeriaSales HeadWe offer the best commission in market for Sales Representative. Products are Screw machine parts, Custom Machining...More