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Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyOther manufacturingIndependent Cabinetry RepresentativesRepresent Full line of Cabinetry for Kitchen and Bath Dealers, Framed, Full access, Inset, Refacing, Murphy Wall...Need Sales Force Commission OnlyOther manufacturingLooking sales representative for salling imitation...We are based in Kolkata, West Bengal,India and are specialists in designer ornaments made mostly of copper. We are...Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther manufacturingISR for cost effective GI devicesMicro-Tech Endoscopy sells and develops GI/Endoscopy products to meet the needs of physicians and staff who perform...Need Sales Agency Commission OnlyOther manufacturing n.e.c.President & CEOOrganized sports bag for youth coaches.Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyManufacture of musical instrumentsSales Representative for Handmade Science Accessor...Circuit Breaker Labs is a small company in Upstate NY producing handmade jewelry and accessories made from recycled...Need Sales Rep Commission OnlyOther manufacturingMedical transcription Business BrokerWe are NZ based Medical transcription Firm , We are currently seeking for a sales consultant who can act like a...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyOther manufacturingSales for a Web, Cloud & Mobile app companyGrow immensely with exclusive territory opportunities for a limited time. Work in a Tech company increasing sales &...Need Independent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articlesGEMS & JOYS..... Mines of Imitation , Artificial...We are based in Kolkata, West Bengal, and are specialists in designer ornaments made mostly of pearls and crystals....Manufacturers Representative Needed Commission OnlyOther manufacturingGlobal Company looking for Independant Sales Repre...Sales opportunity with a Global Sourcing Partner providing Engineering, Design, Sourcing, Logistics, and warehousin...Independent Sales Rep Needed Commission OnlyManufacture of sports goodsIndependent Sales RepresentativeWe need great B2B Independent Sales Representatives to take our Company to the next level in sales. **** We are...More


Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articlesManufacture of musical instrumentsManufacture of sports goodsManufacture of games and toysManufacture of medical and dental instruments and suppliesOther manufacturing n.e.c.