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Need Distributor
United Kingdom
Nature's Choice
New and Exciting impulse items. All Natural Products.
Distributor Needed
United Kingdom
Plastic reps
Looking for plastic reps
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United Kingdom
Product for fat, oil and grease removal in wastewa...
We're looking for partners to help us develop our distribution network worldwide.
Distributor Needed
United Kingdom
Legionella point of use filters
We are a European company focussed on the design and manufacture of water filtration products used specifically to...
Need Distributor
United Kingdom
Country Distributer/ Country Sales Representative...
Country Distributor - Sales commission 15%.
Need Distributor
United Kingdom
Look for sales rep for the industrial mixer in EU...
Need Distributor
United Kingdom
Ditributor for Wellness, Fragrance and Decoration...
We are looking for a serious partner that would distribute our products on the UK market. For the first year our...
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United Kingdom
Infrared Pyrometer UK
Non-Contact Infrared pyrometer for industrial markets.
Distributor Needed
United Kingdom
Sports product for health and nutrition industry
B2 Viita makes a product called the Viita Ball. This is a dietary supplement storage container. Essentially, it...
Distributor Needed
United Kingdom
Agents Needed - Patented Asphalt Shingle Restorati...
Over 100 million squares of asphalt roofing is replaced by the residential re-roofing industry annually. Over 70% of...