Manufacturer - Profile #585665We install barrel banks for ageing spirits and allowing investment bonds to be purchased under guaranteed escrow accounts we also bottle the products for sale giving the bond holders great returns We have sponsorship to set up barrel banks any where in the world that we have a sales representative Les is on GotSales To connect to Les sign up for FREE and join the biggest sales and marketing network. Sign Up, It's FREE!Login
| Other ProfilesChrisSales Representative Base SalarySelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moMedical Representative with almost 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry with the same compan...JorgeSales Representative Commission OnlyMexico, Nuevo LeonSelling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI am a sales rep located in Monterrey City, Knows well some industries of metal mechanic, plast...JorgeSales Rep Commission Only..NathanielMarketing Company Press RepresentativeI AM MEDIA AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT. | ||