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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles > Retail sale via stalls and markets > Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods

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AndyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moLooking for a creator of opportunities, with an intuitive creativity to achieve corporate and personal goals. With...CyndiIndependent Sales Rep Draw On CommissionWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moHello, I am an experienced, professional, personable,successful sales rep specializing in the Gift and Home Industr...VanessaSales Agency Commission OnlyWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moI opened my own online shop, vlooitjie dooitjie online shop and i am looking for products to add to my shopMollyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Over 15 years of creative sales and marketing. Highly skilled at converting unique brand and product value into...YvonneIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Sales experience & customer service driven, dynamic personality & style, excellent relationship builder, looking for...OlukayodeSales Representative Draw On CommissionWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moMy experiences in customer services have equipped me with a multiple of skills including sales management and motiv...More