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Find Companies > Sales Representative > South America > Uruguay

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LaurentSales Agency Commission OnlySouth America - UruguaySales Professional with many years of expertise in selling to top executives. Consultative selling! Fluent in 7...UrbanoSales Agency Commission OnlySouth America - UruguayBrazilian/american citizen who love salesFabianIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - Uruguay!!PaulIndependent Sales Rep Base SalarySouth America - UruguaySelling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moStrong power seller focused on customer experience and aftersales. Wide variety of contacts through different indus...GustavoSales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - UruguaySelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am industrial engineer with MBA and experience in ultrapure water and filtration for bioprocess. I have a portfol...MarioIndependent Sales Rep Base SalarySouth America - UruguaySelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moExperience in Develop market.CarlosSales Representative Commission OnlySouth America - UruguaySelling 500,000 - 1,000,000 USD/moI developed a proffessional profile working for multinational companies like Westinghouse, ABB, Elster, and Honeywe...AlissonIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlySouth America - UruguayProfessional with over 15 years of experience in Business Development, Supply Chain, Corporate Finances, Strategic...JamesSales Representative Commission OnlySouth America - UruguayARC is a Rep Agency that backs or client via strong relationships as we also support our brand with strategic marke...VictorIndependent Sales Rep Base SalarySouth America - UruguayIndustrial Engineer, with more than 10 years in regional sales management positions in multinational companies...More