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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Mining and quarrying > Other mining and quarrying > Mining and quarrying n.e.c. > Extraction of peat

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DougSales Force Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI am the entrepreneur's entrepreneur. I have owned businesses, and have been in sales and marketing for over 20...MelanyIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Very interested in the opportunity offered. I have over ten years of solid, successful professional sales experienc...AliSales Rep Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Business enterprenure, 10 years experience in sales & marketing specialized in the Pharma market. Looking for oppor...MichaelSales Rep Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Sold with AVON and Betterware for a while of 8 things with Betterware had no returns nor refunds and do my own...JohnSales Force Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...An aggressive representative specializing in technical products. Markets include aerospace, test & measurement;...RichardSales Representative Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI have been through all types of sales, started in used car sales, moved to new car sales....but hungry for more....StevenSales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Selling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moSeasoned sales professional past 25 yrs. Have been selling $189 HR product helping applicants apply for Federal...GraceSales Representative Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Am distributor of Avon cosmetics and i want to include shoes in my business.GregIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moOur company has reps with more then 40 years of sakes within many industries. We currently have contracts in the Ag...ModiboSales Force Base SalaryMining and quarrying - Other mining and quarrying - Mining...Independant. Sale. BrokerMore