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Find Companies > Sales Representative > Manufacturing > Manufacture of food products > Manufacture of other food products

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MorleySales Force Draw On CommissionManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 0 - 10,000 USD/moCover texas , with north country wind bells . , have been in the gift ware , in southern cali. with cbk ltdTamiSales Force Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moMotivated creative Sales profession with 10 years of option sales experience in the high end residential design...JosephIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Motivated, hungry sales agent with experience in multiple Industries and lines seeks exciting products and services...JoshSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling Over 1,000,000 USD/moAgressive sales rep with long list of contact in CA, IL, and part of the northeast. Opening new company to independ...JohnSales Force Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moHighly driven sales professional with over 20 years of experience. Work with C-level Executives. Sell SAAS and...NatSales Force Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moIndependent Sales Rep in the New Mexico/West Texas area and have been for 25 years.Call on 350 + accounts on a 90...KarenSales Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...I enjoy cold calling. I am skilled with getting past gatekeepers and booking sales appointments with final decision...RobertIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moAggressive and professional Sales person with 17 years of B-2-B product sales experience. Looking to expand my...JamesManufacturers Representative Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moPlease accept the attached resume for your review and consideration for the position of Territory Representative. I...YolandaIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Selling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/moLooking to expand product line in the southern Louisiana area. I have 4 years of experience as an independent sales...JeanetteSales Rep Base SalaryManufacturing - Manufacture of food products - Manufacture of...Experienced manufacturer representative with broad experience in business to business sales, as well as consumer...More


Manufacture of bakery productsManufacture of sugarManufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectioneryManufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous productsManufacture of prepared meals and dishesManufacture of other food products n.e.c.