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KouameManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - Côte D'IvoireSelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI am a sale representative from Ivory Coast, I present, promote and sell products/services using solid arguments to...LakamySales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - Côte D'IvoireIam Lakamy Sylla a young entrepreneur from Mali willing to open the african economy to the rest of the world. My...MahamadiSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - Côte D'IvoireSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI'm the CEO & founder of Africa InnovaTech Engineering (AIE) a turned key engeneering solution provider. My company...MichaelSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - Côte D'IvoireWhatever you sell, I dealCharlemagneIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - Côte D'IvoireSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am a "business opportunities hunter", passionate of Innovative technologies with over 15 years of sales experience...Joseph S. KomlanSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - Côte D'IvoireSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am Joseph K. AGBOBLI, I am Togolese living in Senegal since 2017. I have a MBA from a Canadian School and a Bache...WoleIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - Côte D'IvoireThe name of our company is Global Emmalgold Nigeria Limited. Our company is incorporated in Nigeria interested in...MarthaSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - Côte D'IvoireEnthusiastic and extra. always ready for a challenge and willing to take risks, learn and relearn.WahidSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - Côte D'IvoireENGINEER, Project manager with 10 years experience in pharma inndustry and F&b (milk and juice), I was agent for a...ZephirinIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - Côte D'IvoireI'm general manager of a company doing business in the telocommunications industry: supply, installation and mainte...More