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Joseph S. KomlanSales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaSelling 10,000 - 50,000 USD/moI am Joseph K. AGBOBLI, I am Togolese living in Senegal since 2017. I have a MBA from a Canadian School and a Bache...EugeneSales Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - GhanaSelling 250,000 - 500,000 USD/mo"Nothing is a challenge in life, it is an opportunity. Take the opportunity and manage it, if it is ment to be."...Bonkori MwiniSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaI'm a business sale agent in all sectors, business is my professional, i'm a hard working, respectful, I would make...JanetIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaAm sales representative In Ghana.KouameManufacturers Representative Draw On CommissionAfrica - GhanaSelling 100,000 - 250,000 USD/moI am a sale representative from Ivory Coast, I present, promote and sell products/services using solid arguments to...GabrielIndependent Sales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaI have been working as a sales representative for 3 years now.AlexSales Rep Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaI am Alex a marketing Consultant looking to work with companies who want sell in AfricaErnestIndependent Sales Rep Base SalaryAfrica - GhanaPermanent Supply has track record of sales and supply to private companies and government agencies / institutions in...MichaelSales Force Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaHND in marketing,degree in economics. Sales rep for six yearsDouglas K.Sales Representative Commission OnlyAfrica - GhanaSelling 50,000 - 100,000 USD/moI am an excellent and qualify candidate in business field in terms of sales in all round and have a unique communic...More